Wow... Almost a whole year without a comment... that sucks. Well hope your still up to doing more of Jim ads, very funny, but i noticed the file size of the vids, wow 6.7MB!?! You must be using Anime Studio or your settings are all wrong in flash... Oh, nevermind, just read your post, you use flash... how is it that big a file then? Bitmaps maybe? idk... Anyway, lookin forward to anything you put out, Jim or otherwise, Oh, and are you still looking for vic ideas? If so, im full of them, =D
...hahaha...guess I met the voiceover requirements, seeing as I got a voiceover and all...but I won't bother you with anything else.
Oh, and I will get that video animated eventually, but my freind WON'T GET THE VOICE DONE!!! I might just find an alternative here soon.
Peace, enjoy your (not so) horrible life.
I know the feeling, colaberating with someone who isnt physically there already is a nightmare